An easy recipe to make, this elderberry syrup taste delicious. It also boost your body’s immune system, helping your body fight off sickness.

The last couple of days at our house have been filled with coughs, stuffy noses, and fevers. Welcome fall. Oh how I love when the leaves begin to turn and drift down to the ground as the wind blows. I love the crispness in the air that fall brings, but I don’t love the sickness. I don’t know if something crazy is blooming or if it is just the change in weather, but with this change of season I feel the need to whip up some elderberry syrup.
What is elderberry syrup you ask? Well, for starters, it is the only “medicine” where my kids ask for seconds. Elderberry syrup is made from…you guessed it…elderberries. These small berries come out in the summer and the trees from which they hang (American Elderberry) can be found on the side of the road, on riverbanks, and in moist woodland and marshes.
A word of advice, elderberries when eaten fresh can be toxic, but when cooked it allows the toxins to be released making them safe for our bodies.
When I lived in the suburbs I searched high and low for these trees, but never found any. I had renewed hope when we bought our farm and I spotted an elderberry tree on my neighbor’s property. Then, to my delight, God planted one right in our backyard that shot up fast and produced the first year!
I literally remember being pregnant with my 6th child and thinking, I really should go and harvest the elderberries on my neighbor’s property. But, it was hard to get to, I was pregnant, and didn’t feel like climbing through the tall grasses and up a tree. Then, one day I noticed something popping up beside our fig tree as I stood on the back deck. Could it really be an elderberry tree?? (I’m telling you I have a radar for those beauties) It was! I know God planted that for me so I could have easier access to these delicious fruits.
If you want to learn how to harvest and store elderberries check out this video…
I am sure you have seen elderberry syrup in the store, but did you know that it is super easy to make and only takes a few ingredients? It’s one of those things that sounds cool (oh wow you make your own elderberry syrup?) but is sooo easy to do. So let’s walk through it so you can impress your friends and build your immune system at the same time.
Ingredients you will need…
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries
- 3 cups of water
- 1 cup of honey
- cinnamon, ginger, cloves, or nutmeg (all are optional)
How to make Elderberry Syrup
Measure out 3/4 cup of dried elderberries.
Now, you can search like a crazy woman for them like I did, or you can just order them online.
Pour the measured elderberries and 3 cups of water into a pot (and any spices you wish to add). Set it on high until it begins to boil. Once it starts boiling, turn the burner to low and simmer the elderberries for about 45 minutes. Basically, you are looking to reduce your liquid by around half (you don’t have to be super precise here).
Once the juice has reduced, set it aside until it has cooled. When it has finished cooling, strain the mixture through a fine sieve to get out all the elderberries. Make sure to mash those elderberries that get caught in the sieve, we want every last bit of juicy goodness out of those treasures.
Now, measure out 1 cup of honey and stir it into the elderberry juice until combined. That’s it. You just made elderberry syrup. Pour this immune boosting liquid into a glass jar (I store mine in a mason jar) and store it in the fridge. This should keep in the fridge for several months.
We take a teaspoon or 2 a day during cold and flu season and we double it when we are battling sickness.
A note about adding spices
This is a basic elderberry syrup recipe, but I encourage you to add some different spices to the mixture when it is boiling. I typically add some cinnamon, ginger (fresh or ground) and cloves. And if I am feeling really daring I will grate in some nutmeg (I know, I live a dangerous life). Now, go enjoy medicine for the first time. You can even go back for seconds!

How to make elderberry syrup

An easy recipe to make, this elderberry syrup taste delicious. It also boost your body's immune system, helping your body fight off sickness.
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries
- 3 cups of water
- 1 cup of honey
- cinnamon, ginger, cloves, or nutmeg (all are optional)
- Measure 3/4 cup of dried elderberries in a pot and add 3 cups of water. If using spices, add them here.
- Heat mixture on high until it boils, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 45 minutes or until mixture has reduced by half.
- Once it has reduced by half, remove from heat until cool.
- After the mixture has cooled, strain elderberries.
- Add 1 cup of honey to juice and mix until combine.
- Store in the refrigerator for several months.