This is an easy DIY remineralizing tooth powder recipe that is quick to make and beneficial in maintaining healthy teeth and fighting tooth decay.

I talk a lot about knowing where your food comes from, today I want to talk about knowing where your toothpaste comes from! Have you ever questioned the ingredients in your toothpaste? You might be surprised to find that even the toothpaste you use contains harmful ingredients for your body. Let’s take a look at some of the ingredients in traditional toothpaste…
What is in traditional toothpaste?
- Propylene Glycol-a toxic ingredient found in food, cosmetics and even anti-freeze. Yep, doesn’t sound too great does it? They have quietly slipped this toxin into all kinds of things people consume. Studies have shown this toxin is linked to heart disease and kidney failure, among other things. Click here for more info.
- Triclosan-a synthetic chemical that acts as an antibacterial agent and is used in handsoaps, toothpaste, deodorants, shaving creams, mouth washes and cleaning supplies. The CDC has found that by age 7 almost everyone has significant levels in their blood and urine. That is not good, considering, Triclosan is a hormone disruptor linked to thryroid disfunction and contributes to antibiotic resistance.
- Sodium Laurel Sulfate-a toxic foaming agent used in shampoos, soaps, toothpaste and other cleaning agents. It is a known skin irritant, irritating the gums and possibly leading to mouth sores. SLS is also an ingredient in insecticide. That’s real comforting.
- Diathan Lamine-another foaming product used in toothpaste. This one is also a hormone disruptor and is linked to stomach cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer and organ system toxicity. Yikes!
- Arificial flavors and colors-these chemicals cause a slew of problems! Not only in toothpaste, but also found in food (dyes). They can cause nervous system depression, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, fatigue, allergies, brain damage, seizures, nausea, and the list goes on.
This list is not intended to scare you, there is hope! However, it is important that we take charge of what goes into our bodies. Knowledge is power, and now you have the knowledge. It is time to take action.
Let’s start with an alternative to the toothpaste on the market. This diy remineralizing tooth powder is all natural and excellent for oral care health.
Why a tooth powder?
There are tons of diy toothpaste recipes, just look at pinterest. But why use a powder versus say a cream with a coconut oil base. A lot of it boils down to preference.

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For our family, we bought Sonicare toothbrushes a few years ago on the recommendation from our holistic dentist. Up until this time I had used coconut oil as a base for my homemade toothpaste. However, I found that the bristles on my brush head began to fall out quickly. Little did I realize that the box clearly said, do not use oils as it will cause the bristles to loosen and fall out. Hmm, totally missed that warning!
I started searching for an alternative, and that is when I found remineralizing tooth powder.
Ingredients in DIY remineralizing tooth powder
Let’s talk about the ingredients in the recipe and how they help your teeth…
- Bentonite Clay-this is a natural clay that forms when volcanic ash reacts to sea water. It is a mild abrasive that gently cleans and polishes your teeth. It also replenishes trace mineral levels in your mouth. Bentonite clay is ripe with minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, copper and magnesium.

- Baking Soda-this is used as a natural abrasive as well. It is effective in cleaning stains and plaque on your teeth.
- Calcium Carbonate-this is a natural mineral found in egg shells, limestone, marble and sea shells. It acts as another natural abrasive as well as strengthening teeth with calcium.

- Xylitol-is a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. It does not break down like sugar and can help neutralize ph levels in your mouth. It helps to prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth, protecting it against tooth decay. Xylitol remineralizes teeth and helps maintain healthy gums.
- Cloves-is an excellent spice for oral care. It reduces gum swelling, remineralizes, and reduces bacteria that causes gum disease. It is also an anti-fungal, antibacterial, and contains antiseptic properties.
- Cinnamon-another excellent spice for oral care. This spice protects against bacteria that causes tooth decay, cavities, bad breath, and other mouth infections. It is also an antibacterial, like cloves.
Now, I know that some of these may seem like foreign ingredients, however, they are all natural and beneficial for your teeth. You can’t say that about the foreign ingredients in the toothpaste on grocery store shelves!
How to make my DIY remineralizing tooth powder
Yay, you have made it past the hard part and now comes the easy part, putting it all together! I like to make a large portion so that it will last a very long time.
Start by adding 1/4 cup bentonite clay to a bowl. From here, just begin adding the remaining ingredients, 3 tablespoons of calcium carbonate, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of xylitol, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, and 1 to 2 teaspoons of ground cloves.

Mix it all up and funnel the powder into a glass jar. Plop on the lid and you’re ready to go. To use, just wet your tooth brush and dip into the powder and brush away. Literally, brush away the junk!

Where to buy ingredients
I know that some of these ingredients may be new to you. Here is a list of the ingredients and where I buy them…
- Bentonite Clay-not all clays are created equal, I prefer this brand and buy it in bulk on amazon. Bentonite clay is not only useful for tooth powder/toothpaste, but because of its amazing properties I use it to aid in digestive issues, as a face mask for my skin, I make a paste and use it on stings and bites, etc. So, we go through a lot of this clay.
- Baking Soda-I buy baking soda in bulk as well. You can find this in bulk online or at Costco.
- Calcium carbonate-I used to buy calcium carbonate from amazon, here. However, I slowly switched over to using egg shells. I save the shells from our farm fresh eggs, wash them, let them dry and then grind them into a powder in my Vitamix. It is an excellent alternative to buying calcium carbonate.
- Xylitol-I buy this from Amazon.
- Cloves and Cinnamon-You can find these just about anywhere, I recommend buying organic.
I hope this post empowers you to begin questioning the products you use. One of the best things you can do for your body is to begin questioning the products these big companies are trying to sell you. Remember, their goal is to make money. They will come up with all kinds of great sounding slogans and phrases to put on their bag or box, but it is important to not trust the logos! Find out for yourself what you are putting into your body. I always say, the closer to nature the better.
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DIY Remineralizing Tooth Powder

This is an easy DIY remineralizing tooth powder recipe that is quick to make and beneficial in maintaining healthy teeth and fighting tooth decay.
- 1/4 Cup Bentonite Clay
- 3 T Calcium Carbonate
- 1 T Baking Soda
- 1 T Xylitol (finely ground or powder)
- 1 T Cinnamon
- 1-2 tsp Ground Cloves
- Combine all ingredients into a bowl and stir.
- Store in a glass jar with lid.
- To use, dip toothbrush into powder and begin brushing.