Learn how to take leftover blackberry pulp/scraps and turn it into a versatile powder for smoothies, yogurt and more!

As the summer season continues to produce its fruit, I am always finding new ways to use the scraps.
I don’t know about you, but I am not wild about seeds in my blackberry jam. They are annoying. They get into the crevices of your teeth. It just ruins the whole blackberry jam experience for me.
So, instead, I strain out the seeds using a food mill. It is marvelous, and I am left with juice that can be turned into smooth jam.
But, what do I do with the scraps? So glad you asked.
I can’t bear to throw away all the pulp and seeds. For one, I hate waste. People work hard to grow things, I want to honor that by savoring every bit of the food I eat and preserve. Not to mention, there is still nutrients in that pulp!
Blackberries are loaded with vitamins and minerals. But, don’t take my word for it, check out all the health benefits of blackberries here.
Last year I decided to dehydrate the leftover blackberry pulp and run it through my Vitamix. Brilliant!
It made a fine powder that smelled amazing. I used this powder for smoothies, yogurt, and as a garnish to add some color to several dishes.
I love being able to turn my scraps into something useful, don’t you?

Why you should make blackberry Powder
For starters, it’s easy! I love easy.
It makes a compact powder that fits in a jar. I love things that fit in cute jars.
It also gives me more storage options besides canning and freezing.
Hmm, what else?
I am able to capture the remaining nutrients that would otherwise be thrown away. More goodness in my body equals a healthier me.
We also honor the grower by using ALL of the fruit.
And did I mention it is so easy? It’s a win, win.
So, on this highly positive note, lets tackle the details…
There are several ways to dehydrate the blackberry pulp. You can use a dehydrator, an oven, or the good ol’ sun.
I us this dehydrator to dry the pulp. But, before I had a dehydrator, I would place a tray on the dashboard of my van to dry all kinds of things. It kept my fruit and vegetables from bugs and acted like a solar oven.
You will also need a blender or food processor to pulverize those blackberry chips and turn them into a beautiful powder. I use a Vitamix, but any food processor or blender should do the trick.
How to make Blackberry Powder
Guys, this is so simple to make! The first step is to have some blackberry pulp and seeds. I always have blackberry scraps from making blackberry syrup or blackberry jam.

I like to send my blackberries through a food mill to separate the pulp from the juice.
Now, take the pulp and spread it on a dehydrator tray, plate, or whatever you are using to dry the blackberry scraps.

If using a dehydrator, set the temperature to 135 degrees for 8 hours. After 8 hours, test to ensure the pulp is dry.
Now, take the blackberry chips and toss them into your blender or food processor. Blend them until they reach a fine powder.

Store this gorgeous looking powder in a jar and just go crazy. Throw it into everything and use it to garnish all your fine desserts!
Don’t stop here! Check out other ways to preserve the harvest…
3 Easy Ways to Preserve Zucchini